PEOPLE who rent their homes on a daily or weekly basis could be at risk of fines of 10,000TL if they fail to register properties with the local authorities.
A meeting was held to discuss the new laws taking shape around the daily renting of homes – which is largely targeting people who allow them to be used as safe havens for terrorists or to be used by prostitution rackets.
The Didim Chamber of Commerce hosted the information meeting on the daily rentals of houses and apartments.
The meeting was organized by the Didim Chamber of Commerce Real Estate Profession Committee and headed by Didim Kaymakam (Governor) Iskender Yönden, with Didim Deputy Mayor Salih Bankoğlu, District Gendarme Commander Major Gürkan Kabakçı, District Police Chief Serkan Demircioğlu, representatives of public institutions and organizations, representatives of civil society organizations in attendeance.

A typical view on the Aegean coast
Real estate agents who rent daily houses and citizens who rented their own houses also joined.
Speaking at the opening of the meeting, Didim Chamber of Commerce Real Estate Profession Committee and Chamber Member Deniz Demir stated that daily rented houses were a serious problem in Didim.
He said: “We organized this meeting in order not to be subjected to criminal proceedings within the framework of new legislation.”
It was established that the law was to made compulsory in the framework of the Decree Law No. 678, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 22 November 2016.
With this arrangement, private or public accommodation facilities, including daily rented houses, must keep all their records on a computer day by day, linking to the computer terminals of the general law enforcement agencies and presenting the current information, documents and records to the general law enforcement officers instantly.
This arrangement has been done to combat increasing terrorist incidents, general security, as well as those who illegally enter Turkey, and the fight against the informal economy. ”
Those who are not connected to the terminals of the general law enforcement officers are reported to be given 10,383 TL fines by the heads of the municipal administrations and 5,191TL for those who do not send instant data or record untrue records.
Fines have to be paid within one month and business licenses will be cancelled.
Information to the meeting suggested that the necessary procedures to connect the terminals to law enforcement agencies should be done within two months.
Mr Bankoğlu said there are some issues around licensing that need to be addressed.”We are trying to solve these issues. If the rented house is entirely rented, we can license it as a hostel. But if certain parts of a house are given to the rent, there is a problem in licensing that. We’re trying to solve this.”
The new law encompasses hotels, motels, inns, pensions, single rooms, daily rented houses, camping, camping, holiday villages and similar all kinds of private or official accommodation and private health institutions, rest and tranquility houses, operators of social facilities of religious and charitable institutions.
Owners need to keep the identity and arrival and departure records of every domestic or foreign citizen in the place where they are paid or free of charge, day or night, to keep their day and date in accordance with the procedure and to have the general law enforcement organizations ready for their examination at any time.