Meeting over Third Beach



A MEETING was held last Wednesday to discuss how best to respond to the possible threat of a privatized Third Beach in the future.

Members of the Democracy Platform had called the meeting at the Didim council, urging politicians and civil groups to attend and evaluate the best way of responding to the re-zoning of the bay by the Ministry of Culture.

The plan, apparently endorsed by state tourism officials, outlines the development at the Third Beach area between the Altinkent site and Didim Beach Hotel.

It envisages that restaurants already trading there will remain so, but foresee the wasteland that drops down from the feeder road being built on.

The definition of ‘touristic’ ventures is being widely seen as small boutique hotels rather than large scale operations, as well as shops and other similar features. The plans, which he had seen, included five small streets which were less than 5 metres in width.

However, ex-mayor and CHP candidate for the next local election, Mehmet Soysalan, said that his Didim Association was fighting the plans through the civil courts to get the plan annulled.

The meeting on Wednesday sought to get a more concerted campaign together to fight against the development plans.


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