Operation Clean Streets kicks in



DIDIM Mayor Deniz Atabay has pledged to rid the streets of itinerant sellers as well as tables and chairs from the pavements of Didim, for the new season.

He has given the Zabita his full backing in pressing bars and restaurants, as well as the occasional sellers, from the kerbsides.

He said he was acting within the law and had been fully backed by the council. “We are enforcing regulations that protect the pedestrian.

“If sellers don’t comply with the rules they will be arrested. We will not compromise. Our city is a modern city and the sidewalks are for the pedestrians. Everyone needs to be aware of this. “

The operation has been supported by the Didim Governor Iskender Yondem and other relevant organizations in the town.

It goes back to a pledge made by the mayor to reclaim the streets for pedestrains from itinerant sellers.

A campaign to remove sellers off the streets around Saturday Market was highly effective last year, and remains in force in 2015.

Particular emphasis is being given to Ataturk Boulevard and the sea front on Yali Caddesi.



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