DIDIM Help-in-Hands received a certificate of thanks from Didim Governor İskender Yönden this week for their contribution of 4,800 TL towards his “Tennis Courts for Schools” project.
A total of 1,100TL was given to the group by Pat Flint as a donation from the recent art exhibition that was held at the Didim Marina.

Help-in-Hands members receive their certificate of thanks from Didim Governor İskender Yönden
This was the first time different groups from across the board had come together to display their work. The exhibition was a tremendous success and is hoped to become a yearly event.
Also in attendance was the Didim Director of Education and the Chief Executive of Didim Kent Konsayi
The meeting gave Help-in-Hands the platform to raise with the governor the matter of senets being innocently signed by foreign people unaware of the consequences of their actions.
H-in-H chairman Lynn Cole said the meeting gave them the opportunity to ask the governor to kindly request on our behalf changes, whereby, any senet signed by a foreign person must previously be legally translated.
She said this would ensure clear clarification of consent from both sides of the agreement and should help prevent any further misunderstandings.
Diary date
Putting the fun into Fund Raising:
Mavi Kitchen on Sunday August 28. Book your table for a full night of entertainment with the brilliant guitar vocalist Mike McNally and quizmaster Mr Lyn Jones. 7pm for 7.30pm start