DIDIM Mayor Deniz Atabay has called for an improved and bigger hospital to serve the town at a meeting of health officials.
Mr Atabay explained the inadequacies of the Didim State Hospital to the Aydın Province Coordination Board’s Third Term Meeting.
Aydin Provincial Health Director Mustafa Serkan Senel said the Ministry of Health was apparently considering a potential 150-bed hospital proposal.
Aydin Governor Yavuz Selim Köşger attended the Board meeting held in Kuşadası.
While Mustafa Serkan Şenel informed about health investments in Aydın, Mayor Atabay, said that there was 33,000 sqm of land in Didim to build on.

Mayor Deniz Atabay
He added: “Now, in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia, even in smaller cities, hospitals offer better services.
“We have been asking for years why Didim State Hospital is not increased. The answers back are no land or there are not enough inpatients.
“Equally, no doctor, no treatment. So people come and go to Didim State Hospital. That’s why the number of patients in the statistics is low, “he said.
He said Didim’s seasonal peak reaches 350,000 inhabitants and described the resort as one of the two main touristic areas in the province. “Didim Hospital needs to grow and it’s case needs to be emphasized.”