ONE of the region’s top natural attractions – Bafa Lake – was visited by a team of 16 ploggers from Didim who set about clearing accumulated rubbish and fishing nets.

Anne Baxter-Cooper, of Plogging in Didim, wrote on their Facebook page:
“First impressions it looked idyllic….then we realised the enormity of the job in front of us today!

“A team of 16 enjoyed a trip to the lake courtesy of Oracle Travel & Driver, Halil who donated the transport to help us.

“We enjoyed tea at Selenes who also took us on a boat to the island we plogged. We had not anticipated being able to get off the boat but thanks goodness we were able to – thank you Tamar from Selenes for waiting for us.

“We struggled to unearth enormous bundles of fishing nets and worked hard to get it out with the help of 4 intrepid hikers from a Kusadasi trekking group whose help was invaluable.

“We then hauled it down the beach to the boat so that we could take it back to the mainland. By now we were tired, thirsty & hungry so made our way to Kaira Pension for a delicious Koy Kavaltisi….all home-grown organic produce with amazing views over the lake.

“So now we had to return to where we left the rubbish on disembarking the boat and continued plogging the shoreline which was disgusting!!

“Many, many thanks go to Oracle Travel, Selenes, Kaira Pension & Beverley Cakmaki for all her time organising this event.

“Most thanks must go to our Ploggers who worked tirelessly today and more importantly, who worked as a great team.”

All images courtesy of the Ploggers in Didim Facebook Page