Not A Museum But A Blacksmith’s Shop



FORTY-YEAR-OLD blacksmith Bayram Karabulut, who lives in Didim, has become well-known for his art rather than his work. 

Karabulut, whose shop has become a museum rather than a blacksmith, with his works of art created from iron, is currently exhibiting nearly 70 of his works.

Bayram Karabulut, who stated that he has been working in iron joinery for about 40 years, said that he took his profession to a new dimension when a friend showed him a photo of a truck and asked, “Can you do this?”

Saying that he made the truck out of iron and his friend liked it, Karabulut said: “After that, I started making different objects using recycling materials. I had a great time working and completing it. 

“So I gave all my energy to this work. It is a very delicate and demanding job for a blacksmith, but I enjoy making these works of art. There are those who think it’s a museum and ask if there is an entrance fee.”

Bayram Karabulut, who stated that his shop had almost a museum appearance after his works, said, “I have had dozens of works for about five years. Some of them were seen and bought. Currently, I have nearly 70 works and I exhibit them in the gallery. This place is like a museum.”

He said: “Many local and foreign people visit my shop. Those who see my work are amazed. They take lots of photos. I also display them online. I have also sent them abroad upon request.”


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