Restoration work continues at the Knasckfuss House



The restoration work of the two-story building known as the Knasckfuss House, next to the Temple of Apollo, continues.

The building was used as a home by people who settled in Didim after the population exchange between Turkey and Greece in 1924.

It was also later used as a warehouse for the German excavation team conducting archaeological excavations at the Temple of Apollo and its surroundings. Prior to 1924, it was believed to have been used as a hospital for the Greek community.

The building was transferred to the ownership of the Miletus Museum Directorate in recent years.

In 2020 a wall of the century-plus-old building in Hisar District collapsed due to heavy rains.

Restoration work was put out to tender by the Investment, Monitoring and Coordination Presidency (YİKOP) under the Aydın Governorship.

Work began in August 2023 and the visible improvement in the Knasckfuss House now attracts the attention of tourists.

No further details on its intended use once restoration is complete have yet been disclosed



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