Solar power plant to convert Didim’s sun into energy



A 200-acre site in Akköy for 28,000 solar panels has moved a step forward this week.

An inspection and evaluation meeting will be held on February 26 to assess the plans for the solar power plant (SPP) with storage facilities.

An Istanbul-based energy company is behind the 10 megawatt (MW) storage SPP and plans to invest around 130 million lira in the project.

It was reported that the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report prepared for the project was submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, and it was announced that an inspection and evaluation meeting will be held on February 26.

It was stated that a total of 28,000 monocrystalline solar panels will be installed within the scope of the project, storage will be carried out 24 hours a day and storage efficiency will be 100%.

While the economic life of the project was determined as 16 years, it was learned that the Energy Market Regulatory Authority granted a preliminary license in June last year for the energy investment in which the energy storage units that have completed their economic life will be replaced with new ones.

It was reported that 48 personnel will be employed in the assembly and construction phase of the project, where solar panels will be used. A total of 25 personnel will be employed in the operation phase.

If everything goes according to plan, then the project could be effective as of 2026.

It is understood DePower Energy, the energy investment company of Pekintaş Group, will construct and operate the Energy Storage Integrated Solar Power Plant.

DePower Energy has obtained pre licenses for Energy Storage Solar Power Plants in a total of 11 projects located in the provinces of Aydın, Denizli, Muğla, Manisa, Elazığ, and Tunceli from the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA).

Licensing, project development processes, turnkey installation works (EPC) and operation, maintenance services of these projects with a total investment amount of 360 million dollars will be provided by SPI Energy Solutions as one of the companies of Pekintaş Group.


SCHMID PEKİNTAŞ was founded in 2014 as the joint venture of Pekintas & Schmid Groups for the production of Photovoltaic (PV) modules. Schmid Group is one of the forerunners of PV sector in the world as the producer of PV module and cell manufacturing machines with more than 150 years experience.

Pekintaş Group is also one of the leader of Construction and Roof & Wall panel production in Turkey with its 60 years experience. SCHMID PEKİNTAŞ was founded with the merger of these two powerful leader groups in the sector.


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