YOU will have to first visit the local Nüfus Müdürlüğü at Didim Governor’s Office and speak to administration (ground floor) and inform them you would like to change your address.
Once completed within their system, you will need to obtain a document as proof of the address change – ‘adres değişikliği formu’
Visit the local migration department (Göç İdaresi Müdürlüğü) – on the second floor of the same Governor’s office – and provide them with the change of address document.
You may also be required to complete additional paperwork.
It’s highly likely that you will be required to show these documents:
Passport, Residence permit, Rental contract or Tapu of new property
When you move to a new address, inform the authorities as soon as possible.
The time allowed to complete an address change before a penalty is issued is usually 20 days.