Brainstorm over Kusadasi ‘museum’



CIVIL society organizations and tourism reps held a brainstorm session about how to evaluate the historic Caravanserai which Kusadasi Council has rented out.

The Oküz Mehmet Pasha Caravansaray in the heart of the city is begin rented by Kusadasi Council for 77,000 TL a month.

The building belongs to the General Directorate of Foundations and the council is determined to turn it into a museum. Contracts were signed June 19.

The recent meeting was used to evaluate the Caravanserai and how it can be turned into a useable space.

Kusadasi’s Mayor Ercan Yücel. Kuşadası invited non-governmental organizations, representatives of professional chambers and tourism to participate.

He said: “It is in the public interest that the kervansaray is the right place for tourism, and we want to decide what should be in place, let everyone know their opinion and then ask for help from the professionals.

“For this reason, we need a process to quickly arrange and illuminate the surroundings, and we will ask permission. We will also make the landscape of the outer pavilion.”

Speakers assessed the last three years as a loss to the historical identity of the kervansaray which was converted “into a third class bazaar where imitation textile products were sold.”

One speaker said: “The municipality has saved the prestige of Kuşadası”.

Most of the attendants wanted Kervansaray to be evaluated as a Living City Museum and to arrange handicrafts, crafts and local products that were lost to meet the compulsory expenses.

Some concept suggestions ranged from a boutique hotel, a base to host international fashion shows and cultural events, be organized into a maritime museum, as well as related restaurants to serve local food.


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