
Temple’s Winter of Content (P2)

It was saddening to read that the building which houses the small finds from the entire archaeological site had partially collapsed after being weakened by recent torrential rainfall, though such news was not surprising, writes Glenn Maffia. It was during the summer of 2012 when I was conversing with the archaeologists, once more, when I…

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Temple’s Winter of Content – (P1)

Seemingly marooned indefinitely within the sleeping lockdown city which these days is London, I have managed to continue to keep in touch with events going on and around the Temple of Apollo thanks to Voices and my friends within Didim, writes Glenn Maffia. Therefore, I shall recount some of the issues which have revealed themselves…

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Didim youngsters in Winter Cup success

Young members of Didim Tennis Club excelled when they competed in 8-9 years Turkey Tennis Federation Winter Cup at Mugla Tennis Club from February 1-5. The club and coach Akif Ceçen are happy to announce that: 8 year old boys finalist: ENES ALİ VELA 8 year old girls finalist: ELA FAİTH MERGEN 9 year old…

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Plog Group’s latest clean-up success

Report by Karen Clough FIFTEEN members of the Didim Plogging Group descended on a beach at Şekertur, at Fevzipaşa, for a morning’s clean up. The plog – a joint effort by members from all parts of the community – led to the collection of 20 bags of rubbish, including a tyre. The clean-up was completed…

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New charity reaches out to families of domestic violence

A new charity in Didim is seeking community-support in its efforts to help families who have suffered domestic violence and abuse. The Society For Education Development & Solidarity Association (TEG-DER), with a management committee of Turks and locally living foreign nationals, is a new registered charity in Didim. “Our aim is to empower women and…

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Atabay: “2021, year of investment”

HEAVY investment to change the face of Didim – which will include proposed underground car parks, an amphitheatre, and cultural centre – will be the focus for 2021, Mayor Deniz Atabay, has promised. Although some of the projects have been declared previously, but it is the first time that the Mayor has nailed his colours…

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Ministry rejects Didim’s ‘Museum’ house bid

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has rejected initial overtures by Didim Council to take on a falling down abandoned house next to the Apollo Temple and turn it into a museum. Details of the knockback were revealed by Didim Mayor Deniz Atabay at a regular meeting with the local press, in the presence Deputy…

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Apollo’s Soggy Bottom is Finally Solved

A WATER leak which has bedevilled the ruins of the Apollo Temple for two years has finally been found – and fixed. Voices Newspaper’s writer Glenn Maffia was the first to report on the issue back in the summer of 2018, with concerns about the source of the leak which was centred around the bottom…

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Didim Couple’s Tablets Support for Children’s Online Learning

AN APPEAL to help children’s online learning experiences during the ongoing pandemic lockdown has produced a fantastic community response from different parts of the world. Füsun and Mark Wadner, residents in Didim, were looking at ways to help local families who were no doubt struggling to support their children’s education now that it is online…

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Standing proud and true

As you would imagine, I was early to the Apollo Temple the day after last Friday’s lethal earthquake to inspect any damage that may have occurred to this unique structure of antiquity, writes Glenn Maffia. Obviously, my first reference was to confirm the iconic columns continued to be in situ, and not condemned to be…

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