
Russian delegation to evaluate Turkish resorts

A RUSSIAN delegation led by Russian Deputy Culture Minister, Sergey Obryvalin, will visit Istanbul and Antalya on August 4-5. “The inter-agency Russian delegation will visit Istanbul and Antalya on August 4-5 on instructions from Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich to familiarize with the course of the implementation of recommendations to ensure safety of Russian…

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Didim’s tourism sector struggles on

FOREIGN tourists to Didim’s resorts remain low in light of Turkey’s recent troubles, but the domestic sector continues strong. Officials have said tourism was disrupted in the Aegean region’s prominent tourism destinations, such as Didim and Kuşadası, due to the Gülenist Terror Organization’s (FETÖ) coup attempt for the first couple of days after but the…

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Significant slide in housing sales to foreigners

FOREIGNERS have experienced a reduction in the number of houses bought in Turkey in the first half of this year. Residential sales to foreigners in Aydın decreased as much as 31.6 percent compared to the same period of 2015. In Turkey, 9,378 properties were sold to foreigners in the first six months of 2016, a…

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News in Brief: August 8

Mavişehir Sports Complex opened by Mayor JULY 22 saw the opening of the modern looking Mavişehir Sports Complex as it was inaugurated by Didim mayor Deniz Atabay. The complex located at Mavişehir Sitesi will cater for a tennis court, basketball court, volleyball court and children’s play group area. The opening was attended by civic and…

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Marine art exhibit opens

ART lovers in Didim will be all at sea this weekend with a marine-themed exhibition. The exhibition is being hosted at Didim Marina Yacht Club and will see the best of art from Didim Art Club, headed by local resident Pat Flint, and her members, as well as art from students from two local schools.…

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Expats enjoy annual summer bash

DOZENS of Didim expats and locals rocked the night away with some fantastic entertainment at the Help-in-Hands Summer Bash. The annual event, hosted on Tuesday (July 26) at Meanderos Restaurant, saw a first class night of fun and entertainment. The night, which included an auction and raffle, was compered by former world boxing middleweight champion…

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Turkey passes new labor law for foreigners

Turkey’s parliament in Ankara approved Thursday a new labor law specifying conditions under which foreigners can work in the country. According to the law, reports Yeni Safak, foreigners with long-term residence permits or work permits for at least eight years would now be able to apply for permanent work permits. Those with permanent work permits…

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Didim News in Brief: July 26

Illegal structure demolished at Cennet Koy An illegal structure has been taken down by Didim Council at Cennet Koy – otherwise known as Paradise Beach. The hut was taken down following complaints and the council’s own investigations . The dismantling of the illegal makeshift shacks was done in the presence of Didim District Security Directorate teams…

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Didim Camp hosts arts fest

ADNAN Menderes University and Didim Municipality have co-organised an international arts camp between July 16-24. The Didim Forest Camp, at Taşburun, saw a total of 20 foreign artists and a total of  55 local artists as part of a workshop organised by the university’s Faculty of Fine Arts Department. The workshop is the seventh year…

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Hotel data reveals Turkey’s dismal tourism sector

EVEN before the attack on Istanbul’s airport in late June and the failed coup attempt last weekend, Turkey’s hotel business was slumping badly in the first six months of the year. According to hotel data research firm STR, Turkey’s revenue per available room was about $54 per night through June, a 40% plunge from a…

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