
Summer Bash: Get your tickets

Get your glad rags on for what will be a first class night of fun and entertainment. Didim Help-in-Hands Annual Summer Bash is to be held at Meandros Restaurant on Tuesday 26th of July. This will be a full cabaret night with MC Ex-World Boxing Champion John H Stracey, Ali Delgado, Mick McNally and DJ Nick…

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Wrong ID names to be changed

TURKISH ID holders whose names have been wrongly written on their cards, or whose names violate the surname code, will be able to change them without needing a court decision, according to a draft regulation announced by Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, daily Habertürk reports. The bill aims to ease the name changing process of ID…

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Aydin-Didim ‘yellow’ bus routes and times

Here below are three more services relating to the 405 and 273 that run between Aydin-Soke-Didim on the yellow bus route. Please refer to this article for more details on getting the pre-paid card. 405 service: Aydin-Didim-Aydin 273 service: Soke-Didim-Soke

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Didim’s yellow bus timetables and routes

The Aydin Council’s subsidised ‘yellow buses’ timetables and routes – the 251, 252 and 253 – are available below. You will find that one journey without a pre-pay card is 1.5TL, and with the pre-pay card 1TL. (For reference Haftaici means Weekdays, Cumartesi is Saturday and Pazar is Sunday.   251 service: Didim Marina-Yalikoy 252 service:…

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Young teen dies in pool accident

A 14-YEAR-OLD girl has died following a swimming pool accident in Didim, it has emerged. The teen, named locally as Yaren Akdoğan, died after her lifeless body was pulled from the pool by concerned neighbours at about 7pm, yesterday (Wed July 13), at a property on Fener Caddesi, Hisar Mahallesi. Local media said emergency services were called…

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Arrivals to Bodrum nearly HALVE, Brits remain tops

BRITISH tourists are still the most popular foreign tourists flocking to Bodrum, Marmaris and Fethiye, even though overall foreign arrivals plunged by 46 percent. Mugla Province, which includes Bodrum and Dalaman airports serving the main resorts, saw a near halving of tourists flowing through in the first six months of this year compared to 2015.…

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Weblink for school certificates for driving license change

A READER has passed on information to Voices that may prove useful to those looking to obtain school certificates as part of the changeover to a Turkish driving license. The Turkish authorities are insisting on original school certificates when you change your British driving license to a Turkish one. In an email back to the…

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Changing an address on your residence permit

YOU will have to first visit the local Nüfus Müdürlüğü at Didim Governor’s Office and speak to administration (ground floor) and inform them you would like to change your address. Once completed within their system, you will need to obtain a document as proof of the address change – ‘adres değişikliği formu’ Visit the local…

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Superstars to play Turkey this summer

A HOST of stars and bands will be heading for Turkey to play in various arenas arounds the country this summer, Led by Skin, one of the most charismatic figures in rock music, Skunk Anansie will perform at Istanbul’s Zorlu PSM as a part of the tour for their latest album “Anarchytecture” on July 21.…

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Classifieds: Aug 17

CLASSIFIEDS EMAIL ads to info@voicesnewspaper.com. FREE ADS: Private goods, wanted, pets, missing/lost items. PAID ADS: 5TL pw for services, property and vehicle sales FOR SALE SINGLE storage bed, almost new, with headboard. Buyer collects. 250TL. If interested, email: pete.carolyn@hotmail.co.uk NAVAGATOR 111 400 inflatable boat, including oars, seats, pump, attachable transom, mount. Hardly used, 500TL (less…

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