
Unlicensed charity event organisers risk high fines in Turkey

VOICES EXCLUSIVE UNWITTING volunteers who organise popular events in the name of charity – in local bars, other venues or even on social media, such as Facebook – may well face hefty fines if they act without first obtaining a license to do so. Charity events in local bars – for everything from street dogs…

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Departing mum’s blistering attack on British expat gossips

VOICES EXCLUSIVE A BRITISH mother-of-four who was forced to leave Turkey this week over work permit issues has launched a scathing attack on British expats “whose gossiping caused her life hell”. Jill Robinson, who ran Altinkum Premier Cleaning and Maintenance, was issued with a 30-day deportation notice, fined 765TL, and the business fined 7,500TL after…

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Didim cranks up appeal for tourists

HUNDREDS of letters are to be sent to German tour agents and expat citizens from Didim in a bid to revive what is shaping up to be one of the worst years for tourism. With latest statistics showing that Turkey had its worst return for tourists in April since 1999, Didim mayor Deniz Atabay has…

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Foreign business owners: Work permit ‘panic and confusion’

FOREIGN business owners have spoken of their ‘confusion’ at the potential threat of being kicked out of Turkey due to the legal needs of gaining work permits. Voices revealed last week of the fate of one owner who has been hauled up before the Aydin immigration authorities. They have been advised they needed to leave…

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Akbuk property for sale

Price: £79,995 Contact: cs.dyer@yahoo.co.uk This three bed, three bath detached villa has a private pool (9m x 3m). TAPU and habitation papers in place. It has established garden with fruit trees, large roof terrace sea/mountain views, and a 20 min walk to town/beach Fully furnished with handmade wooden furniture, all Roman blinds/curtains incl., as well as dishwasher/fridge/freezer,…

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Altinkum gets a blue and white makeover

THE winter long works on a part of Altinkum are now complete – and tourists and expats will certainly it in a different light. Didim Council has launched a major campaign to get several parts of the tourism areas of the resort looking a lot better – with last year’s redevelopment of the waterfront the…

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Bikers hit the roads of Akbuk

YOUNGSTERS got on their bikes for national Bike Day last Saturday May 28 to raise attention towards healthier living. Students from Akbük Cemal Ergenekon Ortaokulu School, in conjunction with the Rotary Club, went riding through Akbuk from near Yasmin Gardens and towards Ada Park and back to the school. Gifts, including bikes and helmets donated…

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Altinkum author’s delight at new book

AN ALTINKUM apartment owner has spoken of his pride at authoring a book about two of the loves of his life – Manchester City and the Royal Navy. Don Price has taken his first step into publishing with A Football Fans Story: The Royal Navy, Manchester City and Me. Manchester-born Don (62), who is married…

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Didim Glee Club plans ahead

Jenny Scott DIDIM Glee Club has just finished a run of “Murder is Served” – a tale of comedy and intrigue set in a restaurant where the surprise birthday party of an old harridan takes place. During the course of the evening someone gets murdered and it was down to the audience to guess who…

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Tragic Amarna’s death sparks helmet campaign

THE MUM of a young entrepreneur who was killed in a freak quad biking crash has launched a campaign for riders in Turkey to compulsorily wear helmets. Amarna Carthy, 21-year-old, of Bakersfield, died last week; two days before she was due to fly home from her week-long holiday in Fethiye. Mum Tashaka Baumber – who…

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