
At the Double for Realty World’s Clients

Clients of one of Didim’s leading real estate agencies – Realty World – have praised the excellent service of the team after successful property sales. Paul & Louise Clark said: “We would like to express our gratitude to the Realty World team in Didim. “After many years of owning our property, we decided to sell.…

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Didim’s Maya wins three Aydin swim titles

Didim student Maya Gördüemel has become the provincial winner of three Aydin junior category titles in swimming. The American Culture College student raced home to win the provincial women’s 50m breaststroke, women’s 50m backstroke and women’s 50m freestyle in the juniors category of the Aydın school sports swimming races. Maya, whose mum is Samantha Brown,…

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Opening Apollo Temple to Ambition

My previous two articles have afforded me to focus on the relatively minor, inexpensive tweaks to the appearance around the Temple of Apollo to enable visitors to better appreciate the elegant antique architecture that stands as a symbol to this growing resort. Namely; clean the graffiti, smarten the surrounding abodes and secure the perimeter walls,…

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A Good Turn for Beguiling Sacred Road?

My trustworthy observers were once again active last week within the vicinity of the Temple of Apollo. They reported that though the Sacred Road continues to be securely locked and bolted along its closest juncture to the temple, a surprising touch of good fortune revealed itself when driving from Mavişehir into the centre of Didyma…

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Writing on the Wall for Apollo

An ever-vigilant friend messaged me last week to say that after meeting with some people close to the Temple of Apollo she decided to walk home taking a route around the back of the Temple’s outer perimeter wall, writes Glenn Maffia. What she observed appalled her; sections of the fencing which top the walls had…

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Didim Resident Publishes First Children’s Book About Stray Dogs

MAXIMILIAN Sam, a British resident living in Didim, is to publish his first children’s book “It’s A Stray Dog’s Life” on Monday, February 28. The children’s book focuses on the lives of three stray dogs – Princess, Buster and Snowy – as they interact with humans and other animals and follows them through their many…

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Further Reaping the Milk of Magnesia

By Glenn Maffia Given the tremendous feedback from my previous article, I delved a little deeper into the ancient city of Magnesia on the Maeander to relay a brief description of Magnesia’s turbulent history, the city’s main deity Artemis and specifically her temple, whilst also expanding further upon the Temple of Zeus. The blackened clouds…

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The Temple of Zeus at Magnesia

Though having passed the site of Magnesia ad Maeandrum (Magnesia on the Meander) on innumerable occasions I must guiltily admit that time always seemed to allude me, writes Glenn Maffia.. The constant promise of “next time” just never materialised. To be honest, from the road the site looks less than inspiring, just sturdy city walls…

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Where is the academic literature?

As Voices and Turkish Archaeological News (TAN) readers know full well, I have been writing about the local archaeology for many years within ancient Didyma, and have recently began to cover interesting events which have caught my notice in Miletus. It is something I find particularly fascinating and intriguing, writes Glenn Maffia.. I am not…

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Digging Deeper into the Cave of Miletus

Due to the interest generated by last week’s article about the Miletus Cave I feel obliged to expand a little further on the artefacts which were found within the dark and sinister depths of its chambers, and a particular dark page of history writes Glenn Maffia. Where are the artefacts? I conducted my own ‘digging’…

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