
Didim Christmas Fair of Crafts – Dec 11

  A Christmas Craft Fair will be held at Keyfi Kafe at Didim Marina on Saturday December 11, starting 12 noon. There will be a total of 24 tables, and will feature; Wall Art, Hand Painted Portraits, Baked Goods, Christmas Decorations, Christmas Gifts, Greetings Cards for all occasions, Wall Plaques, Scented Candles, and Soaps &…

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Visit to the Sacred Cave of Miletus

Following recent press reports informing us the cave beneath Miletus’ theatre was now open to the public, I and two companions decided to journey along to the Meandros River delta to locate and explore this mysterious natural fissure, writes Glenn Maffia. Into the Underworld The three of us have visited Miletus on numerous occasions but…

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Latest News from Didim Ploggers

The latest monthly meeting of the Ploggers in Didim was held on Saturday October 2. Here are the details: 1 – Thanks to everyone who came along to the meeting. Also thanks for everyone hard work over a long hot summer and to Erdal Ayfer Kamacı on Sunshine boat for a great boat plog last…

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From a yawn to a thrill

The scaffolding has been removed, placed upon pallets and crane-lifted away. We now have our iconic columns stretching to the iridescent blue sky returned to us, unadorned by a displeasing brace of metal, writes Glenn Maffia. Though the maintenance was undoubtedly required and was conducted with a high level of professionalism it was, by comparison…

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All Quiet on the Apollon Front

Precisely at the midway point of the maintenance objective, I visited the Apollon site on Saturday (Sept 11) to observe proceedings, writes Glenn Maffia. Only to find a complete absence of any archaeologists in situ! Not a faint echo Needless to say, I was somewhat perplexed. Not even a sign of the stone grinder under…

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Preservation with integrity?

Another week another jaunt to the Temple to observe how the archaeologists are progressing with the much-required maintenance of Didyma’s inspiring columns, writes Glenn Maffia. Indignity of the new We are now fast approaching the halfway stage along the two-month timescale set by the Director of Excavations and the action appears to have increased exponentially…

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Maintenance of Apollo’s iconic columns

There was an explosion of activity that caught me entirely by surprise around the Temple last week. A pleasurable shock, but a shock nonetheless, writes Glenn Maffia. I was alerted by Voices that the team from the German Archaeological Institute (GAI) were back in town and had begun to erect scaffolding up to the summit…

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It’s all Pillar Talk!

With some jousting from the Ses Gazette and Voices, I found myself back at the Temple observing what was claimed to be restoration of the pillars, writes Glenn Maffia. A Turkish team of archaeologists will, probably by this time next year, replace the team from the German Archaeological Institute for the care and maintenance of…

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Didim Group marks 3 years of plogging

August saw the volunteer Didim Plogging Group mark its third anniversary of attending coastal sites and collecting tonnes of rubbish discarded by visitors. At a recent meeting, the group thanked everyone who had shared their input and volunteered for the activities which currently shows no signs of stopping. Thanks also went to Ayşe Öztürk for…

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Change of the Guard at the Temple

It was stifling at the Temple when I visited last Thursday, and necessitated copious amounts of water replenishment to be carried, wrtes Glenn Maffia. Though, as this was the first opportunity to visit since the ‘craft festival’ finished, I wasn’t going to miss the chance. I was surprised to see a number of stalls still…

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