Local News

Pet rehabilitation hub nears completion  

Kuşadası Municipality is about to complete the renovation works it started at the Kuşadası Pet Rehabilitation Center, located on the Kirazlı District road. In this context, Kuşadası Mayor Ömer Günel visited the center together with journalist Ömür Gedik, who is known as an animal lover, radio broadcaster Cem Arslan and social media phenomena Ece Ronay,…

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Children awarded certificates for Caretta work

Several local children have been recognized by Aydin’s Conservation and Nature Lovers Association (EKODOSD) for their help with the monitoring work of nesting caretta caretta turtles on Sagtur Beach this summer The children were each given certificates to highlight the role they played in ensuring 229 baby caretta hatched and made their way out to…

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Aid campaign for little ones of the earthquake zone

Didim Cemevi Association did not forget the children in the earthquake zone. They started a campaign to provide clothing aid for children in the earthquake zone. The campaign aims to provide clothing aid to students going to school in Adıyaman and Malatya provinces, which are located in the earthquake zone. An amount of 1,500 TL…

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Garbage clean on Didim’s beaches

Didim Plogging Group was a participant in Didim Belediye’s recently sponsored clean-up of various parts of the coastline to coincide with “Let’s Do It Turkey” Global Environmental Cleaning Movement. The group collected garbage and waste found on our beaches in aid of a clean environment and a clean world. Other groups to take part included…

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Didim tourism season could be extended

With hotels enjoying a reservations boost into October and November, the promise for the tourism season in Didim to extend deeper into the year could be on the cards. Didim Tourism Association said hotel reservations continue for October and November, while hotel occupancy rates in Didim continue building in September. Tourism Association President Melih Koyuncu…

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Water in Aydin’s dams falls alarmingly

Water levels in dams in Aydın has dropped alarmingly, with some decreasing by as much as 50% after the irrigation season for agriculture. For Aydın, dam waters are of vital importance, but due to a lack of rain in the winter and extreme heat in the summer, rainwater has almost evaporated. According to the Aydın…

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Concerns raised over protected area status change

Representatives of political parties, unions and non-governmental organizations affiliated with the Didim Civil Development Platform have protested at changes to the status of the Büyük Menderes Delta Natural Protected Area. Regarding the issue, members of the Didim Civil Development Platform made a press statement in front of the Taşburun Fishing Shelter. In the press release, platform members…

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Latmos must be protected holistically – EKODOSD

Environment protection group EKODOSD and its President Bahattin Sürücü have called for the area of Latmos, known to be home to prehistoric times with its important rock paintings, to be protected. The Latmos region, one of the places attracting attention with its natural beauties and historical structure, is on the route of local and foreign…

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Concerns raised over protected area status change

Representatives of political parties, unions and non-governmental organizations affiliated with the Didim Civil Development Platform have protested at changes to the status of the Büyük Menderes Delta Natural Protected Area. Regarding the issue, members of Didim Civil Development Platform made a press statement in front of the Taşburun Fishing Shelter. In the press release, platform members criticized the…

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Flouting rental laws raises concern

The perils of renting out property have come back into sharp focus this week with news that a Russian in Antalya bought 80 flats and then began renting them out on a commercial basis. Voices Newspaper spoke to Didim Tourism Association Board Member and hotel owner Mustafa Yüksel about the issue and what to do…

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