Local News

World Loves Didim celebrates town’s ‘foreign legion’

The World Loves Didim festival was held for the second time on 8-9 September opposite the Apollo Temple, and attracted the attention of hundreds of locals and tourists. The festival was organized by Didim City Council, with the contributions of Didim District Governorship, Didim Municipality, Chambers and NGOs. Foreign citizens living in Didim opened stands…

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‘Where is Didim going?’ Chambers and NGOs ask

A delegation, including chambers and non-governmental organizations in Didim, drew attention to the problems of Didim with the question “Where is Didim going?” in a written press release. The delegation included Didim Chamber of Commerce President Hilmi Erbaş, Didim Chamber of Agriculture President Hilmi Yıldırım, Didim Chauffeurs Chamber President Savaş Cengiz, Didim City Council President Osman…

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All-inclusive is king for tourists, but change needed

All-inclusive hotel package sales accounted for 35% of total sales in the UK during the summer period, it has been revealed. According to the data compiled by tour operators, all-inclusive packages accounted for 35% of total sales in July and August this year, an increase on 27% compared to the same months in 2022. In…

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Young travelers loved Didim

As part of Traveler Project, where young people stayed for free in the dormitories within the body of the Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports, were able to visit regions within Aydın. Between 10 July and 27 August, 5,171 young people preferred to say in Aydın, and their most favourite locations during the summer vacation…

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Pollution and drought threaten Büyük Menderes river

Büyük Menderes, the largest river in the west of Turkey, is in danger of drying out. Moreover, the pollution of the river, which is used for irrigation in all agricultural areas in the region, raises concerns. The 548-kilometer-long Büyük Menderes River, which starts from the Suçıkan location near the Dinar district of Afyonkarahisar, passes through…

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Victory Day celebrated in Republic Square

August 30 Victory Day in Turkey was celebrated with an official ceremony organized by the District Governor’s Office at Cumhuriyet City Square in Didim. The holiday commemorates the decisive victory in the Battle of Dumlupınar, the last battle in the Greco-Turkish War, on 30 August 1922. Following the battle, Greek military presence in Anatolia ended. Victory Day has been celebrated as an…

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Two new classes created for Didim’s special needs students

Two new classrooms have been created by the Didim Autism and Special Talented Children’s Association for special students studying at Didim Cumhuriyet Primary School. The step is aimed at providing support to the education of special children by the Didim Autism and Special Talented Children Association operating in Didim. As a result of the activities carried out…

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Photo contest winners announced

After the applications for the 1st Didim National Photography Contest, which was organized by Didim Municipality and approved by the Turkish Photographic Art Federation, to showcase the historical beauties of Didim, the winners were announced. The jury gathered at the end of the applications for the 1st Didim National Photography Contest, whose application deadline is…

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Plans to bring Didim’s and Apollo’s historic links alive

Innovative new campaigns to bring Apollo Temple’s history into the mind’s eye of tourists are desperately needed, the President of the Didim Tourism Association has revealed to Voices. “The thing I hope to achieve most during my presidency is to make Didim known in terms of cultural tourism,” said Melih Koyuncu, the Tourism Association’s new…

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Akbük’s historical ‘healing waters’ draw in tourists

The ‘Cold Water’, a healing water source dating back 2,500 years in Akbük, continues to be the main haunt of holidaymakers and those living in the region. The old name Yavan Su, which was taken under protection by the arrangement made by the Didim Municipality and made regular for the comfortable use of the citizens,…

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