Local News

‘Terror’ inquiry: 12 detained in Didim

POLICE have detained 12 people at seven addresses in Didim as part of an ongoing inquiry stemming from a December 20 rally in the town. Officers from the anti-terrorism bureau also seized documents, a gun, cartridges and pictures as part of the investigation. The 12, aged between 18 and 38, were taken into custody on…

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Expats’ ‘mandatory’ health element to be lifted?

THE MANDATORY health cover element for foreign residents living in Turkey for more than a year could be reversed, the head of the country’s SGK has said. Ilhan Gokalp, the head of the Sosyal Guvenlik Kurumu (SGK), is reported to have suggested the compulsory health cover option for those living for more than a year…

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Open prison plan for Didim resurfaces

PLANS for an open prison – with an exclusive sea view of the Aegean – on the outskirts of Didim have resurfaced – more than a year after they were apparently dropped. The local council is attempting to find out further information on interior ministry plans to use several thousands acres of government owned land…

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Didim’s new statue unveiled

DIDIM’S worst kept secret – its new Ataturk statue – has been unveiled with a bit of pomp and ceremony. A new 5.5 metres high and 2.5m wide statue, (8m high including the pedestal) was installed on the junction opposite the former Law Courts and the turn for Yenihisar on Atturk Boulevard. Sculptor was Eray Okkan.…

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Didim News in Brief: January 7

Refugees detained by Coast Guard The flood of refugees into the Didim region as they set off on their final journey to Greece and into Europe fails to cease. This week, the Coast Guard and local authorities detained 208 Syrian refugees as they travelled in a 22-metre long wooden boat from Taşburun. They were rescued as…

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Stab murder of mother

DIDIM police are investigating the murder of a mother-of-four after an alleged meeting with her former partner resulted in her being stabbed to death. Reports suggest that the former wife of the main suspect was the mother of four children from their relationship. This relationship had ended and the man had gone on to father…

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Guns found in Didim raids

  POLICE have revealed that a Glock, two Uzis, gun cartridges and a Barretta have been recovered in three separate incidents over January 4-5. Glock and Uzis recovered The Glock and two Uzi submachine guns were recovered hidden in a stove bucket at a house in Tasburun, close to Mavisehir, at 6.30pm on Tuesday January 5.…

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Choc-horror! Expat’s 16 kilo customs bar

AN EXPAT has gone ‘fruit’n’nut’ after a PTT ‘choc-block’ on a special festive package for her four children. Jill Robinson, from Didim, was left stunned when Aydin Post Office declared that  she wouldn’t be able to pick up her 20 kilogramme package containing at least 16 kilos of chocolate for Christmas. A Customs manager ruled…

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Demolitions from Medusa to Tuntas

ALTINKUM is to undergo a fresh round of demolitions as a second phase of ‘beautification’ gets underway this winter between Medusa Disco and Tuntas Hotel (also referred to as Second Beach). Didim mayor Deniz Atabay revealed on a visit to side streets opposite Dolphin Square that a fresh round of demolition – from buildings to…

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Entry price hikes for historic sites

ENTRY prices to some of Turkey’s popular historic attractions are to increase in the New Year – with some rising as high as 400 percent. Despite experiencing a decline in the number of visitors heading through the entrance to some of the best historic sites on the globe, the Culture and Tourism Ministry will ring…

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