Local News

Esinti’s Hallowe’en season closer

ESINTI Restaurant, in Akbuk, will be bringing the curtain down on its first season with a Saturday October 31 party. Although, officially, it won’t be closing its doors until Monday November 2, the last dinner service will be on Sunday November 1. Live music will continue every Friday until then. On Saturday October 31, Esinti…

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Triple trouble at Hallowe’en

TINY terrors will be making their parents’ lives hell this Hallowe’en with demands to attend doubly  bubbly events. A Tiny Terrors Preschoolers Party followed by (for older kids) Masked Monsters Ball will be both held at Zebra Café and Play Centre, located between The Box Bar and Valiller School, in Altinkum, on Friday October 30.…

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Didim AKUT searches out new volunteers

Richard Rush, Team Leader AKUT is a search and rescue organisation founded in Turkey. AKUT is a self-funding organisation funded by volunteers. There is no government or political influences. The headquarters is in Istanbul and each branch of AKUT receives much guidance and support from there. It is quite a young group and consequently there…

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Tourism summit draws big names

OFFICIALS from across Didim gathered for the seventh Tourism Investment Summit last Thursday October 8. The conference featured speeches from Aydın Governor Erol Ayyıldız, Didim Governor Iskender Yonden and Mayor Deniz Atabay, as well as Chamber of Commerce representatives. The Didim Tourism Investment Summit is one of the longest-running in the tourism and local industry…

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Catering project draws foreign partners to Didim

REPRESENTATIVES from England and Italy were in Didim this week as part of a joint catering educational project with the town’s Zeynep Mehmet Dönmez Vocational and Technical High School. The participants from Lewisham, Southwark College (England), coordinating-college Zeynep Mehmet Dönmez Vocational, Venosa Beach Resort & Spa and IAL Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Friuli Venezia Giulia Srl…

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Tourism sector faces $10 bln loss

TURKEY’S tourism industry may close this year with around $10-11 billion in losses amid a dramatic loss in Russian tourists and a sharp slash in hotel room prices across the country, according to leading sector representatives. “Turkey’s tourism sector grew in double digit figures in the last 25 years. The sector has, however, faced tough times…

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Let’s enjoy Turkey

Advertorial GET the best of both worlds. At Let’s Group, we are an English-owned Turkish-registered company employing Turkish staff who all speak excellent English. They understand how things work in Turkey! So they can sort out any issues on your behalf and no problems with the language barrier. We are able to offer many different…

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Refugee crisis latest: Didim, Leros, Samos

A NOTORIOUS human trafficker has been caught on the Greek island of Leros, but the flood of refugees and migrants into Didim looking to escape to the EU continues apace. Gendarme officers detained 94 illegal migrants/refugees – 90 Syrians and four Sudanese – at Tasburun fishing port, near Didim, two nights ago as they were attempting…

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Airlines’ dirty tricks to prevent ‘delay compensation’

Advertorial: ALMOST all of us have one or more complaints about airports and airline companies including extraordinary prices for airport food, paying for excess baggage, or the previous scandal to hit was the duty-free tax dodge of which airline passengers never received the savings. These days though, it is the controversial EU regulation 261/2004 that…

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Chapel re-opens after 300 years

A 300-YEAR-OLD chapel, located near Didim’s Temple of Apollo, will be finally and officially re-opened for Christian worship on Sunday October 25 at 11am. Dialogue and intense talks behind the scenes between the Christian community and the Didim Mayor’s office came to a head in the last few weeks. It has resulted in the chapel…

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