Sadness at expat’s death
A BRITISH woman with links to Didim passed away last Sunday (Feb 15).
Read MoreStudents join for beach clean up
STUDENTS from Didim, Italy and Albania have embarked on a major clean-up project in the town as part of a European Union-related initiative.
Read MoreCrackdown on motorcyclists
FINES totalling 20,600TL have been handed down to motorcyclists for flouting the laws in a crackdown by Didim traffic police.
Read MoreExpats mourn death of Dot
A BRITISH woman , who had a home in Didim for 14 years, has died after a brave two-year battle against cancer.
Read MoreNews in Brief: Feb 18
Bread on the rise The price of a loaf bread will rise to 1TL, the Chamber of Commerce has announced.
Read MoreShaving with Ockham’s Razor
By Glenn Maffia THE destruction of Altinkum seafront is apparent to all; familiar landmarks ripped asunder, lying torn and strewn as if in a war zone. While I hope it is also equally apparent that the longevity of these very same landmarks has been all this time illegal. Now what a surprise.
Read MoreBids open for summer water sports areas
APPLICATIONS will be open next week for operators to run water sports in 16 designated areas across Didim and Akbuk.
Read MoreBurglary suspects caught in Akbuk
GENDARME teams have arrested four people on suspicion of burglary at a home in the Yasmin Gardens area of Akbuk.
Read MoreUNESCO bid for Apollo Temple, Miletus
A BID is underway to put Didim’s main heritage tourist attractions, the Apollo Temple and the Miletus ruins, on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
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