Protests at Mavisehir road fatalities
ANGRY residents in Mavisehir came together to launch a high profile protest against fatalities on their local roads following the death of a pedestrian last week.
Read MoreANGRY residents in Mavisehir came together to launch a high profile protest against fatalities on their local roads following the death of a pedestrian last week.
Read MoreAdvertorial IF you’re looking for a taste of home, then you’ll be hard not to be impressed with the selection of excellent pies, savouries and desserts waiting to whet your appetite at Pie King.
Read MoreDidim on film in 3,2,1 A FILM that features Akbuk and Didim backdrops is being released to the public in October.
Read MoreAS appointments go, a new governor in town is usually dismissed by most expats as nothing to do with them as it doesn’t affect their lives.
Read MoreDIDIM Council has begun installing large glass recycling units, shaped like bottles, on the town’s streets as part of a recycling effort.
Read MoreNEW efforts are underway to open parts of the fabled Sacred Road near Apollo Temple to make Didim more attractive to the heritage tourism sector.
Read MoreA MEETING called to discuss the future of Third Beach has revealed what the government hopes to have in the area. The plan for Third Beach, which if it finally survives a court challenge by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), publicly showed how wasteland either side of Altinkent Sitesi could be used. The designs envisage restaurants, local…
Read MoreKate Ashley-Norman – is a long-time resident, entrepreneur, mum, and owner of The Didim Hypnotherapy Clinic My mother has flown home. The kids are back at school, and I am finally settling back into a routine. I love my routines!
Read MoreKlaus Jurgens JACK Nicholson, Jessica Lange – when the postman rang twice…what a movie! Yet, in our case, a postman does not call and no-one rings twice as delivery is fast and we are eagerly anticipating its arrival. What am I talking about? Drinking water!
Read MoreBuilding work ban lifted SEPTEMBER 15 represented the start of the new construction season just as tourists were going home.
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