Local News

For a meal and more pile into Pie King

Advertorial IF you’re looking for a taste of home, then you’ll be hard not to be impressed with the selection of excellent pies, savouries and desserts waiting to whet your appetite at Pie King.

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Drawings show Third Beach future

A MEETING called to discuss the future of Third Beach has revealed what the government hopes to have in the area. The plan for Third Beach, which if it finally survives a court challenge by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), publicly showed how wasteland either side of Altinkent Sitesi could be used. The designs envisage restaurants, local…

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Smokin’ in Paris

Kate Ashley-Norman – is a long-time resident, entrepreneur, mum, and owner of The Didim Hypnotherapy Clinic My mother has flown home. The kids are back at school, and I am finally settling back into a routine. I love my routines!

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The water man never rings twice

Klaus Jurgens JACK Nicholson, Jessica Lange – when the postman rang twice…what a movie! Yet, in our case, a postman does not call and no-one rings twice as delivery is fast and we are eagerly anticipating its arrival. What am I talking about? Drinking water!

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