Local News

DWFC enjoys fantastic game

Didim Walking Football Club (DWFC) enjoyed a great turnout from members when they experienced playing on a full size UEFA A grade 4G pitch on Thursday August 8. The club, co-founded by James Ash, Mark Williams and John Croft, was given special permission to play a unique game on the pitch. Support for this initiative…

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Meteor feast in Didim

The ‘Perseid meteor shower’ was observed in Didim last week. Nature lovers gathered to watch the meteor shower at an event organised as part of the ‘Discover Nature with National Geographic’ activities. In the planetarium, which was created by projecting an artificial image of the sun, stars, planets and other celestial bodies, astronomy enthusiasts and…

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Seabed cleaning carried out at Akbük port

In Akbük, seabed cleaning was carried out in the port area with the contributions of environmental volunteers. While many plastic and glass bottles were removed during the cleaning carried out by two volunteer divers, the pollution caused by human hands was revealed once again. While cleaning in the area where fishing boats dock lasted for…

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News in Brief

Didim Bus Depot remains busy The activity at the bus depot in Didim continues in August. While those who came for vacation set off on their return journey, those who came to the district to spend their vacation also caused activity at the depot. The station, which has not been bustling since the beginning of…

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82 years old and still going strong

Huriye Gedik, who opened a stand with her handicrafts in Kuşadası, welcomes customers at her stand throughout the day, despite being 82 years old. Huriye said that she started knitting by hand when she was seven years old, and said: “There were no hooks or knitting needles back then. I learned to knit by hand. I…

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Gençay: “’We will make Didim modern and contemporary”

Didim Municipality Directorate of Technical Affairs teams continue road construction work at full speed to ensure transportation comfort in the region. Within the scope of the work carried out by the teams, new road construction work began in Çamlık Neighborhood, Manastır Street. The road construction work that started on Manastır Street, 492, 492/1 and 501…

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Hotel fined 1.1 million TL for sewage discharge

A hotel in Akbük has apologised after it was fined 1.1 million TL for the discharge of wastewater into the Aegean Sea. The wastewater discharged from a septic tank at Long Beach Club Nature, formerly the French Holiday Village. The incident sparked a major demonstration from about 200 Akbük residents in front of the hotel…

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Residents of Sedef Bay demand clean up

Residents living in the Sedef Bay area of Mavişehir have called on the council to carry out urgent cleaning works. They stated that the bay was filled with moss and the need for the repair of a broken walking path. While many sites in Mavişehir neighborhood are located by the sea, site residents prefer the…

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Didimspor Volleyball team prep for new season

Competing in the TVF 2nd League, Didimspor Volleyball team has introduced its new technical staff and signed nine names with which it agreed on domestic and international transfers. Didimspor Club President Deniz Polat, Vice President Özkan Caymaz and Head Coach Yücel Sevindi, technical staff and athletes attended the signing ceremony held in a cafe in…

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Didim youth clean up neighborhood

Gathering under the leadership of the Mukhtar’s Office in the Akköy neighborhood of Didim, young people cleaned the pine grove and the area around the water tank in the neighborhood and conducted a possible fire drill. An exemplary sensitivity was displayed in Akköy neighborhood, which is one of the oldest settlements in Didim and is…

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