LEADING national opposition party leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has confirmed he will be in Didim to open the new open-air theatre next Thursday (June 23).
The opening of the theatre, which overlooks the Aegean at Didim’s Second Bay, in Camlik, brings an end to a 9-month construction project, overseen and promised by mayor Deniz Atabay.
Mr Atabay, who invited all citizens to the opening ceremony, said the theatre will become the new center of art and culture in the region and make a great contribution to Didim’s tourism potential.
Construction began in September 2021 and were concluded a few weeks ago. The theatre will host an event space for 3,500 people, as well as a restaurant, parking lot and areas where many activities can be performed.
Mr Atabay said: “We are justifiably proud of coming to an end in another project. We will open Didim Amphitheater on Thursday, June 23, with a ceremony to be attended by CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and Aydın Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Özlem Çerçioğlu.
“We welcome all our citizens to this magnificent opening ceremony. A thank you to all my colleagues who contributed to the project. I would like to thank you once again.”

Mr Kılıçdaroğlu’s visit will coincide with a two-day visit to Aydin county where he will be attending a number of events. The Didim opening ceremony has been slated for 3pm.
Cebrail Tunç, the owner of the contractor company who undertook the theatre works, said he was happy to work with Mr Atabay, and he is proud to have contributed to the project that will add value to Turkey.
Tunç said: “We are proud to work on this project that will make a great contribution not only to Didim but also to Turkey’s tourism. Mr Atabay has been here at every stage of this project since day one. We cannot thank him enough.
“I believe the project will excite the people of Didim and be available to our children, grandchildren and even generations to come.”