New Didim Tesco-Kipa concept is ‘Turkey’s first’




The new Tesco-Kipa superstore in Didim will become its first in Turkey to offer a European-style shopping concept with a host of innovations.


At its heart will be fresh produce, wider aisles and a more family-friendly feel to shopping.

The store will open at 9pm on Thursday June 12, according to advertising hoardings in and around Didim.

In an exclusive interview with Voices, Tesco-Kipa’s corporate affairs director Nazlan Ertan, said the 4,000 sqm store will be the first in its chain to roll out shopping concepts to the shopper in Turkey.

The store will anchor the first true out-of-town retail park on the outskirts of Didim on the Akbuk road.

Ms Ertan said: “It will be quite a different store to those that many shoppers are used to. At its heart, will be a market style of shopping, with fresh produce in the centre.  We aim to re-invigorate the shopping experience.”

She described the new store as having clean, modern lines that will bring the national Tesco-Kipa retail chain to the heart of locals.

Some of the concepts are already well tested in Tesco’s UK and European operation. They will include larger shopping aisles, a dedicated Baby’s World, technology section, a Home Living section, a specialised cafe for families and a new bakery.

There will be self service tills, a children’s play area, a terrace and Tesco-Kipa will also be assigning one of its staff to be a local commissioner who will be tasked with visiting schools and local groups to drive home the Tesco-Kipa message of social responsibility.

Mr Ertan said: “We hope to turn the family-friendly shopping experience on its head and make it more pleasurable for all the family. Didim will become Tesco-Kipa’s flag bearer on this new, fresh look.”

Details of the other shops and possible restaurants on the rest of the retail site will be revealed in due course.



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